
Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Early Release!

Today we got out of work early so I decided to update my blog. Granted, we will be working late for the rest of the week and Saturday in order to test count all the department based inventory in the hospital...ewwww!!
Last weekend we went to Mandi and David's wedding and had a BLAST! One of the coolest things about the wedding was David's cake.

It was a GIANT Reece's cup! YUM!!!

We got to hang out with Chris's old boss and a few of his old co-works from the Frisco fun!

That Sunday I traveled to Abilene for the day to watch Katie in ACU's production of Titanic. If you have ever seen one of ACU's plays/musicals you know what a fabulous job they do. If you ever get the opportunity to go see one...go! You're in for a real treat!

Here is Katie and I back stage! Love you KB!!

This past weekend Chris was off work and we had NO plans! Can you believe it!!! We really enjoyed relaxing and just being the Bendels! Saturday we went to pick out our Christmas tree and wanted to put it up that night. More pics of our purchases to come!

Here are a few pics of some of the menu items from the weekend.

Zesty roasted chicken and potatoes with sauteed zucchini! Yum!

Lexi's "Pink" salad recipe, a great "healthier" dessert....DOUBLE YUM!

Cashew chicken and egg rolls! Super easy!

The best part of our weekend was that we FINALLY joined Prestonwood Baptist Church. We've practically been members for a year and a half but it was time to make it official. We are so blessed to have such an awesome church home and bible fellowship group. We love having a group of friends to navigate through life and what it means to be a Christian in the world today.

Tonight I'm trying my Gran's chicken and rice recipe. I have a feeling it will not be the same but I've been wanting to attempt it for a while. Signing off until the end of the week. Wish me luck in inventory, prayers needed!


1 comment:

  1. Looks totaly yummy! How did the C&R turn out? I bet it was great!!!
    I love reading this and seeing what you are up to. I can't believe you got a Christmas tree in OCTOBER!!!! You are such a planner!!!!
    Pam and Elizabeth are on there way for mom's birthday. Patricia didn't get to come. She called last night and got stuck with payroll.
    Love you & Chris!!!
